Discover the EIM 2023 Annual Report

In 2023, rail infrastructure managers have proven once again their strategic importance for Europe. They contributed to the EU Green Deal by sourcing in alternative energy sources.

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Telematics applications ensure constant interfaces and dialogue between the train and the infrastructure at all stages of the process.


The electrification of the European railways is progressing with around half of the network already upgraded.


Noise pollution is one of the most widespread public health threats in industrialised countries and the second largest environmental cause of health problems in the EU, impacting the railway sector and rail operations.

ERTMS and Telecommunications

The ‘European Rail Traffic Management System’ (ERTMS) is the European standard for automatic train protection.


The EU budget is crucial to translating EU Members States’ political priorities into concrete programmes and activities.

Greening Freight Transport Package

Greening Freight Transport Package

Infrastructure and Stations

In Europe, some rail infrastructure managers own or operate stations. In some cases, the operational part of station management is delegated to another entity, which could also be a railway undertaking.


Under the “Horizon Europe” multiannual research and innovation (R&I) programme (2021-2027) the European Union and the rail industry have funded the Joint Undertaking “Europe’s Rail”.


Drone technology has grown at a very fast pace, developing applications in various fields.


The Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is a set of rail, road, air and water transport networks in the European Union.

Operations and Performances

Interoperability of rail operations and traffic management across Europe is crucial for the safety of passenger and freight trains, in particular for cross border services.


The rail sector is fully engaged in addressing the important societal need for better accessibility of persons with disabilities to public infrastructure.

Public Procurement and Market

Track Access Charges (TACs) are the charges payable by a Railway Undertaking (RU) to an Infrastructure Manager (IM) for running a train on the IM’s railway network.

Rolling Stock

Rolling stock comprises all the vehicles that move along a railway, i.e. powered and unpowered vehicles such as locomotives (including on-track machines – OTMs) and passenger carriages.


To ensure a high-level of safety, Rail Infrastructure Managers (IMs) are committed to delivering a safe, high performing and reliable rail network.


The digitalisation of rail increases cybersecurity threats for IT systems for Rail Infrastructure Managers (IMs) but also Railway Undertakings (RUs).

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