The Platform of Rail Infrastructure Managers in Europe (PRIME) was created in 2013 to facilitate the exchange of views, knowledge and best practice between Infrastructure Managers (IMs) and the European Commission. 

PRIME focuses on key matters concerning the implementation of the Single European Rail Area, including the deployment of European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS).

PRIME has the legal status of an EC ‘Expert Group’: it provides expertise to the EC and advice on legal initiatives of the EC on topics relevant for IMs. 

PRIME plenary meetings are scheduled to take place twice per year, while different subgroups meet regularly to discuss and make proposals on dedicated the topics of digitalisation, charges, financing, KPIs and benchmarking, implementing acts and safety culture. 

Through PRIME, IMs can exchange and influence European legislation to ensure that their interests are taken into account.

Within the context of the proposal on the use of rail infrastructure capacity, PRIME will become the European Network of Infrastructure Managers (ENIM).

EIM in action

  • All EIM members actively participate in PRIME;
  • The PRIME co-chairmanship position is currently held by EIM Member SNCF Réseau;
  • EIM itself acts as an observer within the platform; 
  • EIM and its members foster and advocate an open, constructive and transparent dialogue between all IMs and the EU.

EIM actions in 2023

  • PRIME organised discussions on core issues of IMs, such as funding, charging,  network conditions and capacity 
  • PRIME conducted two deep-dives into funding and charging
  • PRIME discussed the European governance of operational aspects, such as capacity and traffic management including timetabling as well as climate change adaptation
  • EIM closely monitored and analysed the shift of parts of PRIME to become the European Network of Infrastructure Managers (ENIM).

Outlook 2024

  • The next PRIME Plenary meeting will take place in June 2024.
  • The most likely issues on the agenda will be the work priorities for the next EU Commission (2024-2029), innovation as well as rail capacity and traffic management
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