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ERTMS and Telecommunications



The ‘European Rail Traffic Management System’ (ERTMS) is the European standard for automatic train protection. ERTMS consists of a safety system that enforces compliance by the train with speed limitations and the signalling status. This system is installed both on the railway track (trackside subsystem) and on the rolling stock (on-board subsystem). 

According to the relevant EU legislation, such as the ‘Guidelines on the Trans-European Network Transport’ (TEN-T), the deployment of ERTMS is mandatory on railway infrastructure projects for new or upgraded rail subsystems receiving financial support from the EU. Furthermore, following the entry into force of the 4th Railway Package in 2016, any ERTMS project must be approved by the EU Agency for Railways (ERA) to ensure interoperability with EU specifications (‘ERTMS Trackside Approval’). ERTMS is therefore one of the key enablers in creating the ‘Single European Railway Area’ in which trains can run seamlessly and rail Infrastructure Managers (IMs) are the key drivers of the deployment of ERTMS on a national level. 

The related activities are regulated by Regulation (EU) 2023/1695 on the Technical Specification for Interoperability relating to the Control-Command and Signalling (CCS TSI) repealing Regulation (EU) 2016/919. CCS TSI applies to both onboard subsystems of vehicles and control-command and signalling trackside subsystems of the rail networks.

EIM in action

  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” contributes to the European Commission’s ‘ERTMS Stakeholder Platform’, together with the ERA, railway undertakings, and suppliers;
  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” reviews the evolution of ERTMS in Europe. It cooperates with other EIM WGs (e.g. Train Detection Compatibility (TDC WG), Operations (OPE WG), and Telecommunications Working Group (TEL WG)) to ensure a single, coherent EIM position in this domain. 
  • EIM contributes to the development of the future architecture to be done in Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (System Pillar)

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” organised the members’ input and worked on the finalisation of the TSI update which resulted in an ERA Recommendation in Q1 2023.
  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” participated via the ERA ‘Control Group’ in the ERTMS Change Control Management (CCM) process to keep the ERTMS specifications stable via a controlled evolution of the so-called ‘game changers’.
  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” shared their experience on the implementation of the new TSI CCS and worked on outstanding issues as input for the next TSI CCS revision.
  • The main focus in 2023 was the preparation of the TSI update which is discussed since Q1 2023 between the EC and the RISC (Member States).

Outlook 2024

  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” will follow the activities of ERJU related to the future architecture and modularisation of ERTMS as a member of the core group under the System Pillar.
  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” will continue contributing to the work progress of the ERJU System Pillar via an ad-hoc Task Force and Groups created for that purpose. 
  • EIM speakers will continue to contribute to the ERA ERTMS CCM process and the ERTMS Stakeholders Platform working groups.
  • EIM’s WG “ERTMS” will continue contributing to the work of refining the TSI CCS (which is planned for mid-2024) and the TSI CCS Application Guide.

Application Guide


Train Detection Compatibility


Train Detection Compatibility (TDC) defines the specifications of all electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) issues related to interface parameters. This applies in particular to all compatibility issues related to train detection systems. These range, among others, from electromagnetic effects caused by traction and track circuits, sanding problems for track circuits, eddy current brakes, to more general frequency management issues of rolling stock. Train detection compatibility is defined in the Regulation (EU) 2016/919 on the Technical Specification for Interoperability relating to the Control-Command and Signalling (CCS TSI). Rail Infrastructure Managers (IMs) are actively involved in this matter as they manage the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and the ‘immunity’ of the signalling and telecommunications systems of their infrastructure with the emissions/frequencies of the rolling stock.

EIM in action

  • EIM advocates to improve the compatibility in the CCS TSI by extending its scope to non-standard gauge widths.
  • EIM’s WG “TDC” (Train Detection Compatibility) works in cooperation with CER, notably on EMC compliance of track circuits, frequency management and migration.
©Groupe Eurotunnel

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM commented TDC related aspects in the CCS TSI and contributed to the corrections in the table for axle counter compatibility, the development of conformity assessment (wheel detectors) and the requirements on axle distances for high speed.
  • EIM’s members attended the joint rail sector Subgroup and TDC Working Party.
  • EIM’s members worked on the closure of further open points in the TSI CCS.
  • EIM contributes to ERA’s workstream on frequency management for track circuits.
    • Annex 1: Basic Parameter 4.2.10 – Shunting impedance for track circuits (modified)
    • Annex 2: Basic Parameter 4.2.11 – Electromagnetic fields (modified)
    • Annex 3: Basic Parameter 4.2.11 – Conducted interference (new)
    • Annex 4: Requirements concerning the compatibility to loops (vehicle metal construction) (new)

Outlook 2024

  • EIM will make the link between CENELEC requirements and the requirements in the TSI CCS.
  • EIM will investigate the compatibility between axle counters and magnetic brakes.
  • EIM will continue attending the TDC Working Party.
  • EIM’s WG “TDC” will work on the closure of further open points in the TSI CCS;
  • EIM’s WG “TDC” will work together with CER to update the TSI CCS Application Guide on Compatibility Mode to include the role of IMs with regards to axle counters, to include the explanation of the design of the cabling system and add safety requirements for train detection.

Application guide




Telecommunications are a highly strategic topic for rail Infrastructure Managers (IMs) as they enable safe and secure communications for railway operations. This applies to the current railway mobile telecom technology, 4G/5G public services, GSM-R and its 5G successor technology. GSM-R will be phased out by 2030, and a successor is essential for the railway industry and IMs. The ‘Future Railway Mobile Communication System’ (FRMCS) is currently being standardised and its roll-out is expected to start on 2027/2028. Like ERTMS, Regulation (EU) 2016/919 on the Technical Specification of Interoperability relating to the Control-Command and Signalling (CCS TSI) also applies to telecommunications.

EIM in action

  • EIM’s WG “TEL” (Telecom) supports the life cycle management of GSM-R and its current use for ERTMS (e.g. ETCS over GPRS and KPI management).
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” supports the strategy for deployment of FRMCS in cooperation with the ERTMS community.
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” advocates a high-performing, robust and cost-efficient FRMCS, as well as a clear migration plan between the old and the new system.
@Benjamin Brolet/Infrabel

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM’s WG “TEL” focused mostly on the GSM-R successor technology (FRMCS) and more specifically its architecture, spectrum and migration. 
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” continued to advocate public mobile networks as part of FRMCS by several contributions. It revealed that IMs expect FRMCS to support both the use of private networks and public mobile networks (when appropriate).
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” completed the review of all standardisation documents for the TSI 2023 which is now in service.

Outlook 2024

  • EIM’s WG “TEL” will provide regular feedback on the upcoming TSI updates (functionality, architecture, spectrum, migration) and will coordinate its effort with EIM ERTMS WG.
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” will significantly contribute to the review of FRMCS V2 and facilitate the actions in EU Rail R2DATO and Destination 2. It will review all specifications (e.g. FRS, SRS, TOBA, FFIS, FIS and several other ETCS subsets). 
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” will further develop its position on FRMCS to ensure usability, cost effectiveness and interoperability.
  • Within FRMCS, EIM’s WG “TEL” will promote the implementation of a solution which supports both the use of private networks (dedicated spectrum) and public mobile networks.
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” and CER will follow-up on the ‘Strategic Deployment Agenda on Digital Rail Operations and Gigabit train’ in the GUIDE project and will continue to identify corresponding actions and next steps.
  • EIM’s WG “TEL” will contribute to the activities within the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (ERJU) as appropriate.

Application guide

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