Persons with Reduced Mobility


The rail sector is fully engaged in addressing the important societal need for better accessibility of persons with disabilities to public infrastructure. In this regard, rail Infrastructure Managers (IMs) are committed to continue investing in making the railway infrastructure, such as stations and platforms, accessible for all users including persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility (PRM). On European level, Regulation (EU) 1300/2014 on the “Technical Specifications for Interoperability relating to the accessibility of the Union’s rail system for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility (TSI PRM)” applies to infrastructure, operation and traffic management, telematics applications and rolling stock where accessibility of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility is necessary. Only new or renewed infrastructure and/or rolling stock will have to comply with the accessibility rules as defined in the TSI PRM. 

EIM in action

  • EIM advocates the accessibility of rail travel by persons with disabilities via EIM’s WG “PRM” (persons with reduced mobility).  
  • EIM is a member of the “European Commission TSI Advisory Body”, a European Commission Expert Group dealing with the PRM TSI. EIM speakers ensure a fair balance between accessibility, financial impact, operations and human resources requirements. 

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM advocates the accessibility of rail travel by persons with disabilities via EIM’s WG “PRM” (persons with reduced mobility).  
  • EIM is a member of the “European Commission TSI Advisory Body”, a European Commission Expert Group dealing with the PRM TSI. EIM speakers ensure a fair balance between accessibility, financial impact, operations and human resources requirements. 

Outlook 2024

  • EIM’s WG “PRM” will participate in the new TSI Revision Cycle where the improvement of the Train-Platform-Interface is expected to be a major new topic. 
  • It will also pursue the discussion on the PRM-rights within the framework of the related discussions in ERA regarding the PRM TSI. 
  • EIM’s WG “PRM” will also continue its regular meetings with the corresponding working group of CER.
  • EIM’s WG “PRM” will continue its joint meetings with EIM’s WG “Stations”.


Application Guide


Passengers’ Rights


Since the “Third Railway Package” of 2007, the EU guarantees the rights of transport passengers through Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007. This Regulation defines a minimum level of protection for rail passengers across the EU, including rights for persons with disabilities or persons with reduced mobility (‘PRM’). 

In 2017, the European Commission proposed a revision of this Regulation in order to address some issues, notably: 

  • the availability and accessibility of information; passengers’ rights in situations of delay;
  • missed connections or train cancellations;
  • more appropriate and higher compensations and assistance for PRMs. 

After a long negotiation process, the EU co-decision bodies reached an agreement in January 2021.  

On 29th November 2023, the EC also published a proposal for a Regulation on passenger rights in the context of multimodal journeys. The proposal sets new rights for passengers using different types of transport. It also puts special focus on the needs of persons with disabilities and reduced mobility in terms of information, assistance and compensation.

EIM in action

  • EIM advocated a balanced approach between rights and obligations; 
  • EIM maintained a close dialogue with members of the European Parliament (MEPs) dealing with rail passenger rights, the European Commission and all relevant stakeholders.
@Network Rail

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM closely monitored the topic and engaged in and facilitated dialogue between its members and also with other sector stakeholders as well as the EU Commission (EC) and the EU Parliament (EP).

Outlook 2024

  • The EC may publish a proposal on multimodal digital mobility services towards the end of 2024 or later.
  • EIM will closely follow the legislative process of the various initiatives.

Regulation (EU) No 2021/782 Rail passengers’ rights and obligations


Proposal for a Regulation on passenger rights in the context of multimodal journeys.

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