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Greening Freight Transport Package


On 11th July 2023, the European Commission presented its communication on Greening Freight Transport Package, with the purpose of shifting cargo from road to rail and waterways, incentivising the purchase of low-emission lorries, and establishing an easier and more accurate method to calculate the carbon footprint of freight journeys.

The Package is composed by the following legislative initiatives: 

  1. Proposal for a Regulation on the use of railway infrastructure capacity in the single European railway Area (see below)
  2. Proposal for a revision of Directive 96/53/EC on the maximum weights and dimensions of heavy goods vehicles, buses, and coaches
  3. Proposal for a Regulation establishing an EU framework for the harmonised measurement of transport and logistics emissions
  4. roposal for a revision of Directive 92/106/EC on Combined Transport Directive. The publication of this proposal was delayed until 7th November 2023.

EIM in action

  • EIM closely monitors all the developments related to the Package.
  • EIM replied to the public consultation on CountEmissions EU.
  • EIM duly informed its members.
@Network Rail

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM analysed the different elements of the package and duly informed its members.
  • EIM produced several analyses, sent amendments to MEPs and answered public consultations of the EC.
  • EIM also held regular exchanges with MEPs, the sector and other relevant stakeholders.

Outlook 2024

  • EIM will continue to closely follow the legislative process of the different elements of the Package, 
  • EIM will continue to inform and consult its members and exchange with all relevant stakeholders
  • 2024/2025 (tbc): adoption of the different proposals of the Greening Freight package

Combined Transport


The Combined Transport Directive 92/106/EEC is considered as the only legal instrument on EU level to directly incentivise the shift from road to freight to lower emission modes such as inland waterways, maritime transport and rail. 

On 7th November 2023, the European Commission (EC) published a proposal for a revision of the Combined Transport Directive. The proposal introduces a new definition of Combined Transport (road, rail and/or waterways and/or maritime) on short distances within or partly within the EU and of which the external costs are at least 40% inferior to an alternative transport route with only road vehicles. In the proposal the EC reserves itself the right to define the calculation method of the external costs via a delegated act. It also makes several support measures mandatory and introduces new requirements for intermodal transhipment terminals.

EIM in action

  • EIM supports the proposal as it should have a favourable impact on freight operators’ operations.
  • EIM closely monitors all developments related to the Revision of the Combined Transport Directive.
  • EIM also analysed the impact of the proposal on rail/road interoperability.

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM analysed the proposal in terms of impact on rail infrastructure managers.
  • EIM exchanged with EU and sector representatives on the opportunities and challenges of the proposal.
  • EIM also discussed the issue within the context of the EC proposal related to weights and dimensions.

Outlook 2024

  • EIM will continue to closely follow the legal revision process.
  • EIM will continue its dialogue and exchange with all relevant EU and sector stakeholders as well as its members.
  • EIM will analyse the opportunities and challenges of the proposal within the context of technical and operational interoperability and the EC proposal on weights and dimensions.

Council Directive 92/106/EEC Combined Transport Directive


European Rail Capacity and Traffic Management


On 11th July 2023, the EC published a proposal on Capacity Management as part of the Greening Freight Transport Package. The scope of this proposal is to ensure a more efficient use of rail capacity thus improving cross-border connections, increasing punctuality and reliability, and ultimately attracting more freight companies to rail. These objectives will help establishing a proper Single European Rail Area. 

The proposal shall make rail more competitive by harmonising rail capacity management on a European level while modernising it with the phasing in of digital tools. The proposal is based on the existing work developed by rail infrastructure managers. The EC proposes a new European governance structure where IMs play a fundamental role both via the ENIM (EU Network of Infrastructure Managers) and the NC (Network Coordinator). The output of ENIM is supervised by the ENRRB (EU Network of Rail Regulatory Bodies) and fed by the newly set up Performance Review Body. 

With this proposal, the EC intends to repeal the Rail Freight Corridors Regulation and amend the Single European Rail Area (SERA) Directive. 

In November 2023, the Rapporteur of the TRAN Committee published her draft report in which she foresees the creation of additional governance bodies (e.g. EOSP, ERICA).

EIM in action

  • EIM welcomes the holistic approach to capacity management on a European level and the fact that it builds on the projects and processes developed by rail infrastructure managers.
  • EIM strongly underlines that it is absolutely essential to maintain the suggested two-layer governance structure as suggested by the EC, i.e. the ENIM and the NC so that the objectives of the EC proposal can be achieved.

EIM actions in 2023

  • EIM analysed in detail the proposal of the EC and the draft report of the TRAN Committee
  • EIM organised multiple exchanges with its members on the proposal before setting up an internal Task Force. 
  • EIM produced several analyses, sent amendments to MEPs and answered public consultation of the EC.
  • EIM also held regular exchanges with the Rapporteur and the shadow-rapporteurs of the EP as well as other relevant stakeholders.

Outlook 2024

  • EIM will continue to closely follow the legislative process, inform and consult its members and its experts.
  • The EP report and the General Approach of the Council are expected to be adopted in the first half of 2024.
  • Due to the European elections in June 2024, the trilogues will only start, at best, after the summer. 

Different charts on the legislative background (e.g. blocks, timeline, process, …)

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